Fuel-Borne Catalyst (FBC) provides a unique group of features and benefits in addition to those found in the original OptiPlex. This catalyst lowers the temperature at which carbon (fuel) begins to combust (burn). This provides for a more complete combustion cycle, which converts more of the fuel’s energy into useful power. This much-improved combustion significantly reduces the formation of NOX and other emissions. The catalyst also lowers the temperature at which hard carbon (fuel deposits) begin to burn, allowing the deposits to burn at normal combustion temperatures found in the engine’s combustion chamber. This allows your engine and emissions system to self-clean during normal operation. This self-cleaning reduces emissions, lowers fuel consumption, improves operating costs, and reduces maintenance required.
OptiPlex FBC Premium Gasoline Performance Supplement uses a unique proprietary chemical formulation to provide unprecedented benefits via a “pour-in” tank or bulk fuel treating additive.
The combination of the latest Polyisobutylene (PIB) and Polyether Amine (PEA) deposit control technologies, together with ETG’s HPB™ (Hydrogen Polar Bonding) organic surfactant chemistry, provides a powerful mechanism for rapidly and safely cleaning both GDI and port fuel injectors, as well as carburetors. Downstream, OptiPlex FBC cleans intake and exhaust valves, combustion chambers, oxygen (O2) sensors, and catalytic converters.
OptiPlex FBC removes gums, varnishes, and carbon deposits in as little as one tank of fuel, and with continued use, will prevent their reformation.
A friction modifier in OptiPlex FBC reduces mechanical drag, lengthens in-service life, and improves fuel economy.
HPB™’s organic surfactant reduces the fuel’s surface tension to allow fuel injectors and carburetors to produce far better atomization (smaller droplets) of the fuel which results in more rapid and complete combustion. More complete combustion means less work for the catalytic converter(s), which extends those devices’ life expectancy and results in both better fuel economy and reduced emissions.
OptiPlex FBC using HPB™ will totally disperse water (both free and dissolved) using Hydrogen Polar Bonding, where the water’s hydrogen atoms are chemically attached (bonded) to the hydrogen atoms in the fuels’ hydrocarbon chain, effectively eliminating that water. OptiPlex FBC can remove up to 25% of its own volume of water. This same chemical process protects against phase separation in ethanol blended fuels (gasohol) and can be used to reverse phase-separated fuel.
OptiPlex FBC breaks down and removes the phosphorous and sulfurous coatings that can build up on oxygen (O2) sensors and in catalytic converters. This cleaning causes sensors to respond quicker, which allows the engine’s computer to maximize performance.
OptiPlex FBC works with all types and grades of gasoline including conventional, reformulated, and ethanol blends up to and including E85.
OptiPlex FBC contains an anti-icing agent that prevents water from freezing and plugging fuel filters and fuel lines.
-Improves fuel atomization for more power, greater efficiency and reduced emissions
-Provides a rapid, one-tank cleanup of injectors, carburetors, fuel pumps, valves and more
-Chemically eliminates water
-Contains a friction modifier
-Contains an organic-based surfactant formula
-Reduces oxidation to stabilize fuel
-Works in GDI, port fuel injection and carbureted engines
-Contains no harmful alcohols that can damage gaskets and seals
-Can be safely and effectively used in GASOLINE, GASOHOL, LP, NG, LNG and CNG
-Reduces particulate (soot) formation
-Reduces CO (Carbon Monoxide) emissions
-Cleans pre-existing combustion chamber and exhaust valve deposits
-Reduces unburned hydrocarbons
-Reduces particulate load and increases efficiency of catalytic converters
-Improves combustion, reducing fuel usage
-Is safe to use with all catalytic converters and traps
-Is stable under a wide range of temperatures and conditions
For best results, use every time you fuel, adding contents to fuel tank(s) prior to fueling. This will aid the mixing of the additive with the fuel.
Use one ounce for each 11.7 gallons of fuel (1:1,500 treatment ratio).
First-time users can use 1 ounce for each six gallons to speed the cleaning process.
When operating in extreme conditions (marine, high humidity) it is acceptable to use the 1 ounce per six gallons dosage on a regular basis.
Appearance: Clear liquid, colorless to amber
Density: 890 (+/-20) kg/m3 at 60°F/15.5°C
Stability: -10°F/-23°C up to 176°F/80°C
Flash Point: 126°F/52°C
This product should be stored above -10°F/-23°C.
Keep product container tightly closed.
Product container should be stored in a well-ventilated location.
Stability, when stored as described, is 36+ months in an unopened container.
For more information, please consult the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) for this product.
All used and unused product and its containers should be disposed of in accordance with all local, state, and federal regulations.
TELEPHONE: (716) 240-4989
FAX: (716) 402-5650
MAILING ADDRESS: P.O. Box 28, Buffalo NY 14211
SHIPPING ADDRESS: 1352 Genesee St., Buffalo NY 14211-2296